Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Arrival in Tampa

It was balmy and overcast in Tampa when I arrived last night on the flight from Denver, Colorado. At least it was warm. I had to plow one more little snow drift out of the driveway before I left Laramie, Wyoming, so it's nice to feel the balmy air instead of the 50 MPH winds!

The flight was one hour late due to computer problems and "paper work" issues. That must be the new excuse airlines use. It's the second time this year I have sat on the runway for an hour or more waiting for "paper work" to get through some bureaucracy.

We are here in Tampa for the 2008 National Conference on Education. Safe and sound - well the "sound" part is debatable, but I am excited to be here.

I am typing this in the "Conference Daily and Media Relations Room" of the Tampa Convention Center. It's still pretty quiet in the convention center. The only people bustling around are the employees putting up the displays and making last minute sound checks etc.

I am always impressed at the organization and detail with which AASA hosts their annual conference. The advance materials and lineup of speakers that Terry mentioned in his post are always impressive but the thing that also stands out to me it is the level of organizational detail that goes into making this conference an easy transition for the newcomer.

When I checked into the hotel, all the employees were wearing their AASA badges. The conference bus schedule was posted and advertised. The bus routes were clearly marked and the bus stops were identified with professional signage and a posted schedule. And they were running on time even a full day before the conference begins so that people can arrive early and get oriented.

As I entered the convention center, supervisors were gathering their employees around the registration tables and going over last minute duties.

After a quick walk over to Hattrick's for a spicy grilled grouper sandwich and tossed salad it was back to the convention center to get to work.

Jay Goldman, editor of The School Administrator magazine will hold his 4:00 pm meeting with reporters and media folks soon.

Things are beginning to roll!

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