Saturday, February 16, 2008

What is it about Tampa and AASA that is different from other NCEs?
As I walk through the hallways and sit in sessions I sense an energy level and see skin tones of happiness. The reason that this strikes me as different is that in the past I have noted the heavy steps of "tired" looking superintendents. Individuals collectively looked grey and I am not talking about the color of their hair. It was as if, the job was sucking the energy out of them. NCLB, budgets, governing boards, communities, collective bargaining agreements, and relationships were all realities that were more than they could handle. There was no spring in their step.
This year - it feels and looks different. People are smiling - people are laughing - people have a spring in their step. Can anyone out there enlighten me as to why? I would say the weather but it is always warm when NCE meets. So what is it?

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