Thursday, February 14, 2008

The principalship is sinking from overload!

Michael Fullan had an interesting quote today. Fullan is the change guru who has written numerous books about change including a new release in March, 2008 called "Six Secrets of Change." (Click on the Conference Daily link below for an article and audio clips that will be uploaded later tonight).

He said, "The principalship is sinking from the overload." While principals used to be primarily concerned with management, they are now laden with the burden of leadership as well. In an age of school reform, most research has pointed specifically at the building administrator as the most important instrument in the school reform movement.

Under the sheer weight of expectations the principalship is slowly sinking. That is, unless we can come up with creative ways of supporting them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would agree!

I get a chance to talk to principals quite a bit. While most will say that leadership is most important, it seems like management problems are what get you fired!

It constantly puts principals between a rock and hard place!

Right when they try to spend some time on instructional leadership, 5students get sent to the office with a problem and two parents stop by to complain about something!

I'd be interested in hearing how Fullan thinks we could be supported.